is the R package to fit the proportional hazards
model with a sieve-based maximum full likelihood approach.
Assume that there are n patients in a cohort. Denote Ti as the survival time and xi as the p-dimensional covariates. We observe (Yi = min (Ti, Ci), δi = I(Ti < Ci)) under the right-censoring, thus the effective sample consists of {Yi = Ti ∧ Ci, δi = I(Ti < Ci), xi}i = 1n. Let β be the p-dimensional regression coefficient. We posit the PH model as follows where Λ(t|xi) and Λ0(t) are the conditional cumulative hazard function given xi and the baseline cumulative hazard function, respectively.
Instead of using the partial likelihood approach (Cox, 1972), we utilize a full log-likelihood with respect to (β, Λ) to estimate ,